#LandscapeArtistOfTheYear #PleinAir #Hampshire #OilPaint #AlverValley @SkyArts #Hello #StoryVaultFilms @nationaltrust #frost #KeepMakingArt

Look what arrived yesterday! 3 DVD’s of memories. Hope you all got some too A Richard Allen, Gregor Henderson Art, Phillip Edwards, Titus Agbara, Anna Perlin, Howard Weaver, and that you are all busy making more art! I’ve been trying to speed paint frost, this chilly but pretty morning in the Alver Valley. Amazing how […]

#LandscapeArtistOfTheYear #PleinAir #Hampshire #OilPaint #AlverValley @SkyArts #Hello #StoryVaultFilms @nationaltrust #frost #KeepMakingArt Read More »