#commission #JaneAusten #ThrowbackThursday #WeeklyBlog @JaneAustenHouse #Hampshire @HantsCulture #watercolour #writing table #OilPaint

Wednesday 1st February!
Wet wet wet!

Where is the sun to help with some good colours and tones? Never mind – table top beckons…

I have three watercolour table tops on the go. Today I wanted to put more, deeper, and some brighter washes with wax resist on to them. It took longer than expected but drying washes takes time. I’m interested in the wax on the surface – also think I need some Gum Arabic in a few washes too. Can’t decide about including or omitting the ink bottle and quill.

Next I worked on the Donkey Cart again. I’ve been doing a measured drawing (sightsize) to work out how it is constructed. It’s a fairly standard (and to me boring ) composition that I have been working on, but working it through; looking at its relationships, mathematical elements, and patterns have given me an idea of where to go with it next. As it has some provenance to connect it directly to Jane Austen (as with the table) I would like to make it part of my final work.
More art materials required too – a significant shopping list of items became necessary today.

A sketch on board – colour far too ….wrong! Can’t think what I mean – but I know it’s wrong.

During the afternoon it dried up enough to begin some of the planned oil pieces (see thumbnail sketches beneath) which I hope to do; looking back into Jane’s working room through the window and including the hearth and kettle. This was a room where the family had breakfast and would make tea. Breakfast was frequently a chore which fell to Jane, and including both the practical and occupational aspect of the room seems appropriate.
I see the weather forecast for Friday is very poor. (wet) – Oil paint (outdoors only in this special and historic setting) will be a challenge.

I use the front and back covers of my Moleskin watercolour sketch books for pencil thumbnails….working out drawings for compositional stuff!!

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